Pisces is the twelfth Sign of the Zodiac, and it is also the final Sign in the Zodiacal
cycle. Hence, this Sign brings together many of the characteristics of the eleven
Signs that have come before it. Pisceans, however, are happiest keeping many of
these qualities under wraps. These folks are selfless, spiritual and much focused
on their inner journey.
They have extremes of emotions and feel both good and bad intensively. Pisces have
formidable intuitive ability. Most Pisces are somehow involved with occult or spiritualism.
Pisces are very good at understanding people for they have the ability to delve
into the psyche and see behind a person's motivations. Pisces are prone to drug
addiction and indulging lifestyles because of their eternal search for themselves
and their fear of confrontation and having to change a situation, also they justify
drug use by allowing it to get closer with their 'spiritual selves'. Once they aware
this is why they are doing it will be easier to kick the habit.
Business and Career
Pisces does not take well to a position of leadership or high business person, they
are too sensitive and lacking in self-discipline and lacking self-confidence for
a positions such as that. What they are good at is writing, acting, poetry, or being
musicians. Pisces are excellent at anything that tugs at the heart strings and mystical/spiritual.
They are extremely creative and can use their skills of creativity and their understanding
of people to inspire others. Unfortunately, most Pisces take the easy way out in
life and never attain the degree.
They have extremes of emotions and feel both good and bad intensively. Pisces have
formidable intuitive ability. Most Pisces are somehow involved with occult or spiritualism.
Pisces are very good at understanding people for they have the ability to delve
into the psyche and see behind a person's motivations. Pisces are prone to drug
addiction and indulging lifestyles because of their eternal search for themselves
and their fear of confrontation and having to change a situation, also they justify
drug use by allowing it to get closer with their 'spiritual selves'. Once they aware
this is why they are doing it will be easier to kick the habit.
Romance and Marriage:
They will easily get lost in a good conversation. Although they are attracted to
people with severe problems who desperately need help, this actually does more harm
them good. Even though Pisces will offer to make everything right, do not allow
them to take on all your problems because they will lose their identity in your
situation. They need a strong positive partner to make them strong. Pisces like
adventure, new situation and social events and will be up to doing almost anything
that you suggest. Make them laugh, they are usually melancholy and will be impressed
if someone has the ability to make them laugh.
Lucky Stone: Yellow Sapphire & Red Coral
Lucky Number: 3 & 7
Lucky Day: Sunday,Tuesday & Thursday