For the Aries (Mesha) Ascendant, Venus is lord of two Maraka (death inflicting) houses and mars, the lord of this Ascendant,
is an enemy of Venus. Therefore, it is advisable for the natives of this Ascendant not to wear a Diamond.
If necessary, Diamond may be worn in the major period of Venus, if necessary, if Venus
is in his own sign or is exalted in the 12th house. One word of caution, natives whose
birth chart indicates a short life or those who are seriously ill should never wear a diamond. Instead,
in such circumstances they may wear Red Coral, the gemstone of the lord of this Ascendant.
For the Taurus (Vrish) Ascendant, Venus is lord of the Ascendant. In this case, diamond can
be worn by the natives of this Ascendant for whole of their life for longevity and advancement
in life. It will be extremely useful to wear it in the major and sub-periods of Venus. Combination of
Diamond and Emerald will prove very useful and give advantage to the natives of this Ascendant.
For the Gemini (Mithuna) Ascendant Venus is the lord of the 5th, a trine or trikona ,
Venus is an auspicious and a benefice planet for this Ascendant (Lagna).
Venus is also a natural friend of Mercury who is the lord of this Ascendant. Consequently wearing of a
Diamond in the major and sub-periods of Venus will provide happiness, name, fame, intelligence,
fortune and children to the native. Wearing of Diamond along with Emerald will be beneficial for
the Gemini natives.
For the Cancer (Karka) Ascendant, Venus is lord of the fourth and the seventh houses.
Lordship of these houses makes Venus an inauspicious planet for this Ascendant. Moon, which is lord of this Ascendant,
is natural enemy of Venus.
For the Leo (Simha) Ascendant Venus is lord of the 3rd and the 10th houses.
Venus will be an inauspicious planet for this Ascendant (Lagna), but, if Venus as lord of the 10th house
is posited in the 6th, 8th or 12th diamond will help in profession. If Venus posited in his own sign in
the 10th house, it will give rise to two Amala and Malavya yogas.
For the Virgo (Kanya) Ascendant Venus is lord of the 2nd house which is also house of wealth
and the 9th house which is house of luck or bhagya, it is also a trikona, Venus is an
auspicious planet here and wearing of a Diamond will provide native with wealth, children,
fortune and honours. There will be pronounced results during the major and sub-periods, more when
Venus is in its own sign in the second or the ninth. Wearing of Diamond along with Emerald will ensure
success in life to Virgo Ascendants.
For the Libra (Tula) Ascendant, Venus is lord of the Lagna and eighth house and is
considered an auspicious planet. Wearing of Diamond will provide health, long and
successful lifestyle for the native. It will be extremely profitable to wear it in the major
and sub-periods of Venus. In nutshell, Diamond is a protective charm for the Libra Ascendants.
For the Scorpio (Vrischik) Ascendant, Venus is lord of the 7th and the 12th houses.
Apart from this, Mars, as lord of this ascendant, is hostile towards Venus. Consequently,
diamond should not be weared by the natives of this Ascendant.
For the Saggitariaus (Dhanu) Ascendant, Venus is lord of the sixth and eleventh houses.
In astrology, occupation of these lordships is considered inauspicious. Moreover, Venus
is also an enemy of Jupiter who is the lord of this Ascendant. If Venus is in its own sign
or in the sixth or eleventh houses or as lord of the eleventh and is posited in the Ascendant,
2nd, 4th, 5th, 9th or 10th then wearing of a Diamond in the major period of Venus will be beneficial
from the point of view of financial gains for the native.
For the Capricorn (Makra) and Aquarius (Kumbha) Ascendants Venus will be lord of the
5th and 10th and the 4th and 9th houses respectively. Venus will be considered yogakaraka
planet for these Ascendants. The Capricorn and Aquarius natives will get success in life by
wearing Diamond for rest of their lives. These natives will get excellent results if diamond
is weared along with Neelam or Blue Sapphire.
For the Pisces (Meena) Ascendant, Venus is the lord of the third and eighth houses,
both of which are considered inauspicious houses. Venus is also an enemy of Jupiter
who is the lord of this Ascendant. Therefore wearing of Diamond will not be beneficial
for the natives of this Ascendant even when Venus is in the 3rd or the 8th in his own
sign in a birth chart.