Moon is the lord of the fourth house for Aries (Mesha) Ascendant natives. The lord
of the Ascendant Mars is a friend of Moon. Consequently by wearing a Pearl an Aries
Ascendant native will get freedom from mental disturbances, happiness from mother,
success in educational activities and he will gain landed and house property. The
results will be more powerful in the major period and sub-periods of Moon. It will
give more beneficial results if worn with Red Coral the gemstone of Mars the lord
of the Ascendant.
For the Taurus (Vrisha) Ascendant Moon is lord of the third house. The natives of
this ascendant should not normally wear Pearl. However, if the Moon is in his own
sign in the 3rd house, the pearl will do well in the major period of the Moon.
For the Gemini (Mithuna) Ascendant Moon is lord of the second house, the house of
wealth. Second house is the house of death also (Maraka house). Therefore, Pearl
may not prove very suitable but when the Moon is ill placed and afflicted and the
native is going through an adverse time in financial matters, wearing of Pearl is
expected to avert financial difficulties. If in a nativity Moon as lord of the second
is exalted in the 12th, and be in his own sign or be in the 11th, 10th or 9th house,
the wearing of a Pearl will prove beneficial, in the major period of Moon. On the
whole, however, Pearl is not a very agreeable stone for this Ascendant as Mercury
the lord of the Ascendant is not friendly with Moon.
For the Cancer (Karka) Ascendant Moon is lord of the Ascendant. For the natives
of this Ascendant, Pearl will prove very beneficial and they should wear it throughout
their lives. The Pearl will ensure good health and long life. It will make life
smooth, free from mental disturbances and will improve finances.
For the Leo (Simha), Ascendant Moon is the lord of the 12th house. Therefore, the
natives of this Ascendant should avoid wearing a Pearl. The Pearl may, however,
be worn in the major period of Moon if Moon is in the 12th in his own sign.
For the Virgo (Kanya) Ascendant the Moon is the lord of the 11th, the house of gains
and fulfillment of desires. If Pearl is worn in the major period of Moon, the native
gets financial gain, acquires wealth, achieves name and fame and is blessed with
children. If the Moon is in Taurus in the 9th a Pearl can be worn always for success
of ventures, peace of mind and acquisition of wealth and conveyances. If the Moon
is afflicted in any way in the horoscope wearing of Pearl will neutralize the ill
For the Libra (Tula) Ascendant Moon is lord of 10th house. Moon is not a friend
of Venus, the lord of the Ascendant, but still wearing of a Pearl for the natives
ascendant brings them name, fame, honors, advancement in career and wealth particularly
if the Moon is in his own sign in the 10th when it gives rise to a powerful Raja
yoga. The results will be more powerful if the Pearl is worn in the major period
of Moon. If Moon is not auspiciously disposed or is afflicted, causing obstruction
in the advancement of profession or career, wearing of pearl will remove such evil
For the Scorpio (Vrischika) Ascendant Moon is the lord of the ninth house, the house
of Bhagya (Fortune). Therefore, wearing of a Pearl to the natives of this ascendant
would prove very beneficial. It will bring good fortune and also will prove beneficial
for the longevity of father. Wearing of a Pearl always will prove very beneficial
if Moon is not well disposed or afflicted in any way. The wearing of Pearl with
a Red Coral for persons with Scorpio Ascendant will do immense good to them
For the Sagittarius (Dhanu) Ascendant Moon is the lord of the 8th. Persons with
this ascendant should avoid wearing a Pearl unless Moon is in his own sigh in 8th.
It will not give any adverse effects if it is worn along with yellow Sapphire, the
gemstone of Jupiter, the lord of this Ascendant, who is a friend of Moon.
For the Capricorn (Makara) and Aquarius (Kumbha) Ascendants, Moon is lord of the
seventh and sixth house (bhava) respectively. As seventh house lord, Moon becomes
a maraka planet (a death inflicting planet). As sixth house lord, it becomes a badhaka
(obstructive) planet. Moon is also an enemy of Saturn, the lord of the Ascendant.
Persons with this Ascendant should avoid wearing a Pearl. Pearl can be worn if absolutely
necessary, in the major period of Moon, if Moon is in Cancer, her own sign..
For the Pisces (Meena) Ascendant Moon is lord of the fifth house, which is trikona,
which is considered a auspicious house. By wearing a Pearl the native will be blessed
with children, will get name and fame. If Moon is in his own sign in the 5th Pearl
can be worn always with beneficial results. The good effects will be more powerful
in the major period and sub periods of Moon.