For the Aries (Mesha) Ascendant Sun is lord of the fifth a trine and is a friend
of Mars- the lord of the Ascendant. The natives of this ascendant will profit considerably
by wearing a Ruby. They will become intelligent and spiritually evolved
For Cancer (Karka), Ascendant Sun being the lord of the second house, which is also
the house of wealth. Sun is also a friend of Moon, who is the lord of Cancer Ascendant.
If a native experiences loss or lack of wealth or trouble in eyes due to affliction
of Sun in the chart, wearing a Ruby will prove beneficial. The second house is also
a Maraka house (house of death). Therefore, it will be beneficial if Ruby is worn
along with Pearl, which is the gemstone for the lord of Cancer Ascendant. The beneficial
results will be more powerful in the major period and sub-periods of Sun.
For Leo (Simha) Ascendant Sun is lord of the Ascendant. Ruby is, therefore, the
most necessary gemstone for this Ascendant. Wearing of Ruby is absolutely necessary
when sun is afflicted in any way in the horoscope. Ruby will give protection from
enemies and ill health besides giving long life and energy to the body. It will
also increase the spirituality of the native.
For the Virgo (Kanya) Ascendant Sun is lord of the twelfth house. Therefore, it
is not advisable to wear a Ruby. However, a ruby may be worn if necessary but along
with an Emerald (the gemstone of Mercury-lord of Virgo Ascendant) during the major
period of the Sun.
For the Libra (Tula) Ascendant the Sun is the lord of the eleventh house, which
is the enemy of Venus - the lord of the Ascendant. The native of this Ascendant
may wear a Ruby when there is loss of wealth on account of ill disposition or affliction
of the Sun in any way. If the Sun is in its own sign, the wearing of Ruby will make
the native very fortunate and wealthy. He will be famous, honored and will own conveyances
and property. The wearing of Ruby will also improve his health and longevity. The
beneficial results will be more pronounced during the major period and sub-periods
of Sun.
For the Scorpio (Vrischik) Ascendant Sun is lord of the tenth house. Sun being the
friend of Mars, who is the lord of Scorpio. Consequently, wearing of a Ruby for
the native of this Ascendant will give him honors, promotions and political power.
He will achieve success in his business dealings. If Sun, as lord of the tenth is
in tenth, it will give rise to a powerful Raja yoga and wearing a ruby will substantiate
the gains. The wearing or Ruby will prove helpful if there are obstructions in achievement
of success on account of affliction of sun in the horoscope. The results will be
more particular and powerful in the major period and sub-periods of Sun.
For the Sagittarius (Dhanu) Ascendant Sun is the lord of the ninth house, which
is also the house of fortune (Bhagya). Sun being the friend of Jupiter, who is the
lord of the Ascendant. Wearing of ruby for the natives of this ascendant will be
beneficial more so when sun is in its own sign and posited in the ninth house. In
addition it will also enhance the longevity of the father of the native.
For the Capricorn (Makar) Ascendant Sun is lord of the eighth house. The natives
of this Ascendant should not wear ruby because sun is the enemy of the Saturn who
is the lord of the Capricorn ascendant and also it is the lord of the eighth house.
If, however, the Sun is in its own sign in 8th, Ruby may be worn in the major period
of Sun. It will bestow longevity.
For the Aquarius (Kumbha) Ascendant the Sun is lord of the Seventh, a Maraka house
(house of death). Sun is also an enemy of the lord of the Ascendant. So natives
of this ascendant should not wear ruby. However, if the Sun as lord of seventh is
in its own sign, Ruby may be worn in the major period of Sun.
For the Pisces (Meena) Ascendant Sun is lord of the sixth, which is, considered
an inauspicious house. Natives of this Ascendant should therefore not wear Ruby.
However, if Sun is in the sixth house in its own sign, a Ruby can be worn in the
major period of Sun. This will prove beneficial, as Sun is a friend of Jupiter who
is the lord of Pisces Ascendant. Wearing this gemstone will ensure freedom from
troubles, debts and diseases.