For the Aries (Mesha) Ascendant Jupiter is lord of the ninth and twelfth houses.
On account of his being lord of the ninth (A Trine), Jupiter is considered auspicious
for this Ascendant. Consequently wearing a Yellow Sapphire by a native of this Ascendant
will make him intellectual, charitable, religiously inclined, respectful towards
elders and bestow on him good fortune, wealth, honors, name and fame. These results
will be more powerful in the major and sub-periods of Jupiter. An exalted Jupiter
in fourth house will provide the native with all material comforts if he or she
wears a Yellow Sapphire. If as lord of the ninth Jupiter is ill disposed or afflicted
in any way in the birth chart, wearing of Yellow Sapphire will protect him from
the set backs caused by the adverse position of Jupiter.
For the Taurus (Vrisha) Ascendant Jupiter is lord of the eighth and eleventh houses
and is, therefore, considered an inauspicious planet for this Ascendant. Apart from
that the lord of the Ascendant Venus is not a friend of Jupiter. Even then, if lord
of the eleventh Jupiter is in the Ascendant, second, fourth, fifth, ninth, tenth
or eleventh (his own sign) houses (bhavas), the native will have financial gains
if he wears a Yellow Sapphire in the major period of Jupiter.
For the Gemini (Mithuna) Ascendant Jupiter will be lord of the seventh and tenth
houses. As a result of this it gets Kendaradhipati dosha. Even then if Jupiter is
in the Ascendant, second (where he will be exalted), fourth, fifth, seventh (in
his own sign) or eleventh, it will be beneficial for the native to wear a Yellow
Sapphire in major and sub periods of Jupiter. If a native suffers set backs in his
professional life, he should immediately wear a Yellow Sapphire irrespective of
the major period that may be operating at that time.
For the Cancer (Karka) Ascendant Jupiter will be lord of the sixth and ninth houses.
Being lord of the ninth (a Trine), Jupiter is considered to be an auspicious planet
for this Ascendant. Consequently wearing a Yellow Sapphire will bless the native
with good children, high education, charitable and religious inclinations, good
fortune, wealth, name and fame. The results will be more particular and powerful
in the major and sub-periods of Jupiter. If the Jupiter is in the Ascendant he will
be exalted and in ninth he will be in his own sign. The native of this Ascendant
can expect more favorable results if he wears a Yellow Sapphire with Red Coral or
For the Leo (Simha) Ascendant Jupiter will be lord of the fifth and eighth houses.
Being lord of fifth house (a trine), Jupiter is considered as an auspicious planet
for this Ascendant. Consequently it will be beneficial for the native of this Ascendant
to wear a Yellow Sapphire, particularly in the major and sub-period of Jupiter.
It will prove more useful if it is worn with a Ruby, the gemstone of the lord of
For the Virgo (Kanya) Ascendant Jupiter will be lord of the fourth and seventh houses.
Consequently he suffers from Kendra-adhipati dosha. Still if the Jupiter is in the
Ascendant, second, fourth and seventh (in his own sign), fifth, ninth, tenth or
eleventh, Yellow Sapphire should be worn by the natives of the Ascendant in the
major and sub-periods of Jupiter. Those natives of this ascendant who find obstructions
in the progress of their educational activities, or those who suffer from set backs
in property matters, should wear a Yellow Sapphire for removal of their difficulties.
For the Libra (Tula) Ascendant Jupiter is lord of the third and sixth houses and
is, therefore, not considered an auspicious planet for this Ascendant. It will,
therefore, be advisable for the natives of this Ascendant not to wear Yellow Sapphire.
It may, however, be worn if necessary, in the major period of Jupiter if Jupiter
is in his own sign in the third or the twelfth house.
For the Scorpio (Vrischika) Ascendant Jupiter will be lord of the second and fifth
houses. Being lord of the fifth house (a Trine or Trikona), Jupiter is considered
an auspicious planet for this Ascendant. Apart from this, Mars, lord of this Ascendant,
is a friend of Jupiter. Consequently Yellow Sapphire is a Very suitable stone for
the natives of this Ascendant more so in the major period of Jupiter and his sub
periods. It will prove more profitable if worn along with Red Coral the gemstone
of the lord of this Ascendant.
For the Sagittarius (Dhanu)) Ascendant Jupiter is lord of the Ascendant and the
fourth house. The natives of this Ascendant can always wear Yellow Sapphire as a
protective charm. The beneficial results will be more powerful in the major and
sub-periods of Jupiter. If Yellow Sapphire is worn along with Ruby, the gemstone
of Sun, the lord of the ninth (Bhagya), house, the results will be more pronounced
and spectacular.
For the Capricorn (Makara) Ascendant Jupiter will be lord of the third and twelfth
houses and will, therefore, not be an auspicious planet for this Ascendant, and
it will generally not be advisable to wear this gem stone by the natives of this
Ascendant. It can, however, be worn, if necessary, in the major period of Jupiter
if he is in his own sign in the third or the twelfth house.
For the Aquarius (Kumbha) Ascendant Jupiter will be lord of the second and the eleventh
houses. Saturn, the lord of this Ascendant, is an enemy of Jupiter. Still Yellow
Sapphire can be worn in the major period of Jupiter, more so when it is in his own
sign in the second or the eleventh bhava, to gain wealth, children and other comforts.
For the Pisces (Meena) Ascendant Jupiter will be lord of the Ascendant and the tenth
house. He is, therefore, an auspicious planet for this Ascendant. The natives of
this Ascendant can fulfill all their desires by wearing a Yellow Sapphire .If Jupiter
is in his own sign in the Ascendant or the tenth house. The results will be felt
more powerful in the major period of Jupiter. Wearing of a Yellow Sapphire with
Red Coral, the gemstone of Mars, the lord of the ninth (house of Bhagya), will be
a proper mix for gaining success.